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  • phpBB - How to update between minors versions IE 3.2.x or 3.3.x
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 #32770  by ThemeSplat
 April 2nd, 2020, 3:59 am
The procedure to update your board between minor versions is always the same under phpBB 3.2.x and phpBB 3.3.x
For example you want to update from 3.2.6 to 3.2.8 or maybe 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
The method described below is for updating boards with no core code changes.
Also please note, large forums should do the update via phpBB CLI to avoid timeouts! (

Update procedure:
  1. Backup all board files and the database.
  2. Download the Full Package of the latest version of 3.2.x
  3. Unzip to your desktop and open the phpBB3 folder.
  4. Remove (delete) the config.php file, and the /images, /store and /files folders from the package (not your site).
  5. Go to the ACP, Board settings, and make sure prosilver is set as the default style. If not, set it to prosilver. Also make sure British English is set as the default language.
  6. Using FTP, delete the /vendor and /cache folders from the board's root folder on the host.
  7. Via FTP or SSH upload the remaining files and folders (that is, the remaining CONTENTS of the phpBB3 folder) to the root folder of your board installation on the server, overwriting the existing files. (Note: take care not to delete any extensions in your /ext folder when uploading the new phpBB3 contents.)
    If there are any install_config.php, .lock or migration files in the /store folder, delete them.
  8. In your browser go to
  9. Follow the steps to update the database and let that run to completion.
  10. Via FTP or SSH delete the /install folder from the root of your board installation.
  11. Done! You now have a new up to date board containing all your users and posts.

Possible Follow up tasks:
  1. Update your language pack
  2. Update your premium style
  3. Update your extensions
  4. Running HTTPS?(you should!) Make sure you install BBssl to set your board correctly marketplace.php?mode=view&item_id=73
  5. Wanting your forum to run super faster, have total control with a modern setup and also save money by running your own cloud hosting? Send me a PM inquiring about a custom server setup.
  6. Using CloudFlare? Install this ext: marketplace.php?mode=view&item_id=48
Only use a good FTP or SSH client, such as FileZilla, to transfer the files. (File transfer utilities provided in host control panels can cause problems.)

NOTE: You can easily update your premium styles directly via ACP in 1 click with the BBCore auto-update:
 #33297  by Bez
 May 19th, 2020, 10:14 am
ThemeSplat wrote: April 2nd, 2020, 3:59 am

Also please note, large forums should do the update via phpBB CLI to avoid timeouts! (

What would you class as a large forum?

My main forum takes up about 11 GB of disk space (this also includes 2 small test sites) and 194 MB for database.
A lot of this disk space is taken up with photo uploads, i now use IMGUR - Image Up loader so hopefully it wont grow as quick in the future. :-)

Also what method would you recommend for restoring large databases? I used to use MySQLDumper but it doesn't work anymore. :-(
 #33298  by WelshPaul
 May 19th, 2020, 11:05 am
Bez wrote:

Also what method would you recommend for restoring large databases? I used to use MySQLDumper but it doesn't work anymore. :-(

Just upload the backup to your server and use the command line to import it like so:
Code: Select all
mysql -u username -p database < filename.sql
If you want to export a backup:
Code: Select all
sudo mysqldump -u username -p database > filename.sql
 #33300  by WelshPaul
 May 19th, 2020, 12:56 pm
phpMyAdmin is a php script and so subject to the same timeouts as any other php script.

The topic here is about large boards with large databases avoiding timeouts? So it's best to use CLI to export and import the database.

It's not that difficult, lets say your database credentials are:
  • Database name: phpBB3,
  • username: admin
  • password: password
Lets assume that the name of your database backup file is: mybackup.sql

Upload the mybackup.sql file to a directory on your server and run the following command from the same directory :
Code: Select all
mysql -u admin -p phpBB3 < mybackup.sql

You will be asked to enter the password for user admin, enter password and press enter. Done!
 #33301  by Bez
 May 19th, 2020, 2:33 pm
Thanks for the info Paul, unfortunately SSH is not activated on the account i need it for and i only have access to enable it on my main account so i will need to contact my host provider to enable it for this account. :facepalm: