The Special SiteSplat Membership has launched! Check our In Da Club Plan 👌
  • BBmembership - Membership system for phpBB 3.1 and phpBB 3.2
  • News, Announcements, Feedback, Improvements, Changes and Policies.
News, Announcements, Feedback, Improvements, Changes and Policies.
 #35476  by ThemeSplat
 June 13th, 2021, 3:27 pm
Can be done with custom work. It's a feature that only few wants. I had that integrated with BBdonation extension.


But then coinbase changed its API. In Fact they make chnages frequently. So it's not really for a public release that require many changes that often.
 #36060  by rsmed1
 April 26th, 2022, 1:37 pm
Has anyone been able to get BBMembership to work with phpBB 3.3? I bought it and am using the latest phpBB version. BBMembership is working in that it accepts payments, etc., but once a person pays for a membership, they cannot leave the BBMembership page. Even if they log in, they are "stuck" on the BBMembership page. Any help out there regarding this?
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